Advanced mud transport modelling

Study the impact of siltation on coastal morphology and water quality using this combined multi-fraction and multi-layer software

Why MIKE 21/3 Mud Transport?

Model the transport of mud and the interaction between mud and the bed

Analyse erosion, transport, settling and deposition of cohesive sediment in marine, brackish and freshwater areas taking fine-grained cohesive material into account. Perform the most comprehensive simulations that consider forcing by waves, salt-flocculation, the settling process, layered description of the bed, consolidation and morphological update of the bed.

All of the physical processes modelled by MIKE 21/3 Mud Transport’s multi bed layer approach

Play Video

Watch this simulation of sediment plume dispersion and the performance of the silt curtains carried out by Anse du Portier & Bouygues TP in Anse du Portier ‘s extension project.

Simulate all stages of the dredging process

Study the spreading and behavior of sediment spill determined by geotechnics, sediment properties, dredging methodology, hydrodynamics and sediment transport with the built-in dredging module. Use this information to analyse increased suspended sediment concentrations, morphological changes and to optimise the design of silt curtains to mitigate dispersion of turbidity plumes.

Model suspended transport of fine grained non-cohesive sediment

Even though the MT module is designed to calculate cohesive sediment, you can activate sand transport formulations when required. Take advantage of this capability in cases where a certain percentage of the bed material is in the fine sand fraction that may be transported both in suspension and as bed load.

Calculate both cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport

The introduction and development of dynamic sediment plumes in connection with reclamation and disposal operations in Singapore.

Estimate siltation rates to support port channel design and optimisation

Rely on the MT module to accurately estimate siltation rates to design a new approach channel or to deepen existing channels. Use the information from your models to optimise navigation, maneuverability and reduce the need for maintenance dredging.

Model bed load and mixed sediment transport

For bed load and mixed mud and sand transport modelling, check out the groundbreaking Near-bed transport model which allows you to calculate the transport of sand for combined waves and currents near the bed and consider simultaneously suspended load for pure currents in the remainder of the water column. Plus, account for sand spilling into the water column from dredging operations.
Play Video

Near-bed transport in Ho Bay

Assess the impact of a tailing dam break, fulfil legal requirements and address potential scrutiny

Better assess the impact of a tailing dam break

Represent the potential impact of a tailing dam break with the MT module, now capable of simulating non-Newtonian fluids. You can also define constant fluid properties such as fluid density, Bingham fluid viscosity and yield stress with the “Mud, Debris or Oil” feature. In addition, simulate more complex cases by varying fluid properties in time and space such as the mixing of non-Newtonian fluid with water.

Gather key insight on siltation to advance your projects

Port Design

Investigate changes in sedimentation patterns and dredging requirements. Analyse the impact of siltation in harbours and access channels.


Optimise dredging operations through comprehensive analyses of the spreading, dispersion and fate of dredged material.

Coastal Engineering

Study cohesive sediment dynamics and morphology such as erosion under combined waves and currents.

Water Quality

Understand the impact of contaminated sediments deposited in ecologically sensitive areas on local flora and fauna.

No in-house modellers?

DHI offers comprehensive modelling and consulting services to support impact assessments of cohesive sediments on coastal and estuarine environments.

Additional capabilities & unique features

The latest update introduces enhanced hotstart functionality, utilising layer and fraction distribution as initial conditions. Users now have additional options for erosion calculations, including a new RMS shear stress formulation and the ability to specify critical shear stress for each individual fraction. Dredging simulations benefit from new spilling types, expanding the scope of modelling possibilities. Furthermore, users can access new and improved outputs, such as extended output of mean velocity, bed distribution items, and three-dimensional bed parameters. To ensure optimal performance and accuracy, the update also includes substantial refactoring and modernization.

Save time and improve your modelling workflows using MIKE Zero’s upgraded editors and viewers. Take advantage of new keyboard shortcuts and themes, improved tabbing, tear off and cascade functionality plus easier access to User Guides and Scientific Documentation.

MIKE Zero, DHI’s fully Windows integrated graphical user interface, is now better than ever and comes standard with all MIKE 21/3 software. Enjoy easy access to new MIKE Cloud applications and Cloud-enhanced functionality, plus an extended set of MIKE tools within theme-based (rather than product-based) interactive workflows. Ensure important model components such as sources and structures stay at the forefront with a new interactive, customisable floating mapping window. Lastly, the updated tabbing functionality will help you work in a more organised and efficient manner.

Apply MIKE 21 Spectral Waves to calculate the influence of waves on erosion deposition patterns.

Point sources of dissolved and/or suspended components are important in many applications such as the release of sediments from rivers, intakes and outlets from cooling water or desalination plants. With MIKE 21/3 Mud Transport, you can specify source concentrations individually as either specified concentration or excess concentration.

If the morphological changes within the area of interest are expected to be comparable to the water depth in certain areas, this software can take the morphological impact on the hydrodynamics into consideration. Typical areas where this is necessary are shallow areas where long term effects are being considered or dredging/dumping sites in shallow areas.

If several bed layers are used, a transition rate can be applied. This will cause sediment from the top layers to be transferred to the subsequently lower layers.

MIKE 21/3 Mud Transport takes advantage of the efficient parallelisation techniques implemented in MIKE 21 for the use of multiple cores and GPUs. Special techniques have also been developed to enhance calculation speed within the morphological modelling.

The Mud Transport module is based on a multi-bed layered approach where each layer is described by a critical shear stress for erosion, erosion coefficient, power of erosion, density of dry sediment and erosion function. The bed layers can be soft and partly consolidated or dense and consolidated. Consolidation is included as a transition rate of sediment between the layers and liquefaction by waves is included as a weakening of the bed due to breakdown of the bed structure.

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